10U Lightning Softball Win 2018 USSSA South Florida State Championship
We are the champions!
The Miami Springs Lightning 10-U won the 2018 USSSA South Florida State Championship on Sunday, July 1 in Orlando, FL. The win included a trophy and championship rings.
“I couldn’t be prouder of this group of young ladies,” said head coach Robert Garofalo “We set season goals and had high expectations for ourselves. They continue to step up to the challenges we put in front of them. Shout out to the Contenders, Coral Springs Panthers, and Cape Fear who gave us tough, tough games in the tournament. We battled from behind several times this weekend, remaining undefeated.”
Team members: Kylie Brenner, Olivia Garcia, Sienna Garcia, Alexa Garofalo, Lily Gil, Mia Gonzalez, Selenia Martinez, Emily Medina, Emma Medina, Destiney Ortega, Alyssa Portela, Jenavive Quinones, Jenelly Romero, and Amanda Torres.
Head coach: Robert Garofalo. Coaches: Richard Brenner, Kelly Gonzalez, Rudy Garcia, and Alex Portela